ego.-WISSEN – Start-up qualification Halle (Saale)

The Weinberg Campus Technology Park supports founders on their way to becoming self-employed as part of the ego.-WISSEN project. To this end, qualification courses for start-ups and post-foundations are held in cooperation with the educational institution Hoffmann und Partner.

Many years of experience in the support of business start-ups enable us to provide content tailored to the needs of our clients, make it easier for founders to set up their own business and support new entrepreneurs in optimizing and expanding existing structures.

Pre-foundation qualification supports you in developing your business plan.

From the formulation of your business idea, through classification into the market, finding the appropriate legal form and possible financing options and defining opportunities and risks, we try to provide you with the best possible information on the subject of 'foundation and self-employment'.

Next course:
currently in planning stage

The course expected takes place on Monday and Tuesday over a period of 4 weeks (a total of 60 course units).

A compilation of the admission requirements can be found in the download area.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us by phone, e-mail or personally.


In the qualification after the foundation you will receive numerous tips on how to better master the challenges of self-employment.

As topics such as proper bookkeeping, income or trade tax, accounting, contract law, marketing strategies, distribution channels, calculation, controlling or conducting sales or customer conversations are things that all founders of a business have in common.

So that you can concentrate on what you as an entrepreneur are all about, we want to support you in turning basic business management skills into routine work.

Next course :
February 20, 2019

The course is held on Wednesday for a period of 25 weeks (200 course hours in total).

A compilation of the admission requirements can be found in the download area.

A special feature here is that you will receive a subsidy of up to €100 per day for your absence from work. This is granted at 8 hours of proven participation in the course. If you are currently receiving ALG II benefits, the subsidy is 25€ at 8h of proven participation.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us by phone, e-mail or personally.


What is a technical statement on economic viability, where can I get it and why do I need it?

This is a confirmation that your company can continue to hold its own in the future - i. e. under the current economic conditions on the market. Since your company wants to draw on subsidies, it must be proven that your project is sustainable.

As described in the checklist, professional associations are empowered to issue such statements for your company, including the Chamber of Commerce and Industry (IHK, Chamber of Trade), credit institutions, university start-up networks (Univations, Founders' Service).

Tip: Please contact your local office in good time.

Current documents (curriculum vitae, corporate and financial planning) are the be-all and end-all. Templates which are made available on the homepage of the Chamber of Industry and Commerce can be very helpful.

Until when can I register for the course?

If possible, please register with us in good time so that we can schedule you in. Ideally, you have submitted all documents to us in full up to 2 weeks before the course begins, so that we have enough time to clarify everything else with you.

You are welcome to contact us in advance, so that we can reserve a seat for you and you have time to compile your documents.

What is a de-minimis declaration?

Participation in our qualification courses is completely free of charge. However, we, the educational institution and other participants incur costs, which in this case are borne by the state of Saxony-Anhalt on the one hand and by the European Social Fund (ESF) on the other.

This means that you will receive funding through your participation.
 This is called de-minimis aid. Since you have a certain advantage by receiving the subsidy for a company that has not received any subsidy, it is also called a' financial advantage'. This is measured to a certain sum in order to make it comparable.

In order to avoid distortion of competition, an upper limit has been set. In order to be able to ascertain how much funding a company has already taken up, the amount of funding is recorded in a de-minimis certificate. This certificate must be kept by the company for 10 years.

The de-minimis declaration must therefore list the de-minimis subsidies that the company has used in the last 3 years. This enables the grant provider to check whether the maximum limit of €200,000 has been reached or whether the company can make full use of the support offered.

Example of de-minimis aid: Entry fee acc. 16b SGB II

Your question was not included? Please feel free to call us at any time.

Ute Schmitz:

"Der Kurs hat mir bisher viele neue und hilfreiche Informationen zur Unternehmensführung geliefert. Die Dozenten gestalten den Unterricht sehr interessant, für jeden verständlich und nehmen sich Zeit für auftretende Fragen. Sehr spannend finde ich auch den Erfahrungsaustausch mit den anderen Teilnehmern. Ich kann den Kurs jedem Existenzgründer wärmstens empfehlen."

INTERVIEW mit Ute Schmitz - Ganzheitliche Tiertherapie

Stefan Schwarzer:

"Meine Teilnahme an den Qualifizierungskursen sehe ich als große Bereicherung und enorme Unterstützung für meine Weiterentwicklung als Selbstständiger an. Ich konnte zahlreiche Impulse in den Bereichen Social Media, Marketing, Organisation und Buchführung mitnehmen. Darüber hinaus konnte ich Netzwerke zu anderen Teilnehmern und Teilnehmerinnen sowie Dozenten bilden. Ich bin der TGZ Halle GmbH und der Hoffmann & Partner Fortbildung und Beratung GmbH für die kompetente Unterstützung sehr dankbar und kann eine Teilnahme an den Qualifizierungskursen nur empfehlen."

INTERVIEW mit Stefan Schwarzer - Bildender Künstler

Theresa Hayessen:

"Ich hatte das große Glück, an dem Vorgründerkurs teilnehmen zu können. Hier habe ich zu jeglichen Themen dazugelernt und meinem Businessplan den Feinschliff gegeben. Mit diesem Wissen und den Unterlagen konnte ich den Gründerzuschuss beantragen und habe die Sicherheit gewonnen, die es für eine Neugründung benötigt. Darüber hinaus habe ich sehr gute Kontakte geknüpft. Wir stehen alle in engem Kontakt, tauschen uns aus und helfen uns in schwierigen Situationen. Derzeit belege ich den Nachgründerkurs. Hier habe ich ebenfalls wichtige und interessante Kontakte knüpfen können. Aus der Erfahrung des letzten Jahres, kann ich nun den Dozenten gezielte Fragen stellen und weiß, wo es noch hakt."

INTERVIEW mit Theresa Hayessen - Eventlocation Rittergut Etzdorf

Sven Gerlach:

"Die Teilnahme am Vorgründerkurs hat mir sehr geholfen, meinen Businessplan zu erarbeiten. Außerdem habe ich im Kurs insbesondere wertvolle Tipps und Hilfestellungen zum Thema Buchhaltung sowie zum Finanzteil meines Unternehmenskonzeptes erhalten. Die Dozenten haben sich ausreichend Zeit genommen, alle gestellten Fragen der Teilnehmer möglichst individuell zu beantworten.

Aktuell nehme ich am Nachgründerkurs teil. Ich erwarte mir davon, mein bereits erlangtes Wissen weiter zu festigen und freue mich insbesondere auf den inhaltlichen Schwerpunkt zum Steuerrecht und damit verbunden zu praktischen Tricks und Kniffen zu Thema „Steuern sparen“.

INTERVIEW mit Sven Gerlach - Garten- & Grundstückspflege Gerlach


Due to the support provided by the state of Saxony-Anhalt and the European Union, there are no costs for the founders when participating in the qualification courses.

Ina Müller

Ina Müller

Project Management

Tel.: +49 (0) 345 13 14 15-11
Fax: +49 (0) 345 13 14 15-03

Contact form

Petra Bönsch

Petra Bönsch

Project Assistance

Tel.: +49 (0) 345 13 14 15-07
Fax: +49 (0) 345 13 14 15-03

Contact form