Site for natural sciences
The Weinberg Campus is home to the natural science institutes of the Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg: Starting with the "long-established" Institutes for Pharmacy and Chemistry, to the Institutes for Biology, Biochemistry and Biotechnology east of the Heideallee, as well as the Institutes for Physics, Mathematics, Informatics, Agricultural and Nutritional Sciences, Geosciences and Geography on the Heide-Süd campus. Further information on the institutes and institutions of Martin Luther University can be found at:

Charles Tanford Protein Center
A clear sign of the importance of protein sciences at the Weinberg Campus is the university’s new protein center. The modern research facility employs 255 people from twelve working groups of the faculties of natural sciences and medicine who work together to deal with current questions of protein biochemistry. The building has a usable floor space of around 5,400 square meters. A total of 125 laboratories and 62 offices as well as several meeting and conference rooms are available for use. (Photo: Maike Glöckner, MLU)
Scientific Centers
Interdisciplinary Center for Crop Plant Research (IZN)
Interdisciplinary Centre for Material Sciences (IZM)
University Center for Computer Science (UZI)
WissenschaftsCampus Halle - Plant-Based Bioeconomy
Center for Applied Medical and Human Biological Research (ZAMED)
Center for Innovation Competence (SiLi-nano)
Center for Innovation Competence (HALOmem)

The University Hospital Halle
The University Hospital Halle (Saale) unites the modern medical care facilities of a university with a long tradition. At its clinics and institutes, the University Hospital ensures the highest level of medical care for its patients. Beyond the borders of Halle, patients trust in the skills of the approximately 3,000 employees and some 500 trainees. The University Hospital with its comprehensive diagnostic and therapeutic array is closely associated with the Medical Faculty of Martin Luther University. Further information