Campus community

More than 15,000 people live, study and work on the Weinberg Campus. There are already numerous networks between the worlds of science, industry and society. In the following we would like to present some of them. Current events can be found on the Campus Events page.


Weinberg Campus Life-Science- and Material-Science-Meetup

On the Weinberg Campus, innovative companies and cutting-edge research work in the immediate vicinity. International networking is excellent, but do you know your colleagues across the street? MLU's start-up service and TGZ Halle GmbH have jointly initiated a regulars' table format. Scientists and entrepreneurs meet in a relaxed atmosphere to exchange information on their fields of work, projects and cooperation approaches.

Proceed to registration

Weinberg Campus Fitness

The Weinberg Campus Fitness Club takes place once a week in the vineyard meadows in the immediate vicinity of the campus. You don't need to be a professional athlete to participate. Our coach will show you how to increase your endurance and optimize your muscle metabolism. He will give you individual tips and supports you in training. The goal is to be able to run smoothly and effectively.

Sign up


Weinberg Campus Business Brunch

The managing directors of the tenant companies meet four times a year for entrepreneur's breakfast to exchange information on current developments and topics relating to the Weinberg Campus Technology Park in an exclusive and compact manner. In this context, new tenants and established companies from the campus will be represented. The format takes place in cooperation with the weinberg campus e. V.

The next dates can be found under: Campus Events.

weinberg campus e. V.

weinberg campus e. V. pursues the approach of promoting the further development of the scientific and business location as well as promoting the location nationally and internationally through suitable marketing and communication measures. Furthermore, the association strives to support the establishment of innovative companies and to strengthen the networking of local institutions and companies.

Bert-Morten Arnicke

Bert-Morten Arnicke

Head of Marketing and Communications

Tel.: +49 (0) 345 13 14 15-06
Fax: +49 (0) 345 13 14 15-03

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