Prof. Dr. Michael Schulz
Managing Director of Indalyz Monitoring & Prognostics GmbH

We are an IT company that - as the name implies - is primarily concerned with industrial analysis. In particular, this includes the synchronization, analysis and transformation of machine state data, which is captured by a large number of specific sensors. We mainly use methods that are nowadays often referred to as artificial intelligence. This enables us to use our algorithms and engineering information to answer almost all questions about the "health status" of our customers' machines, e.g. when which machine part fails.
Which operating regime damages the machine and to what extent? What are the causes of initial damage? Ultimately, our work helps each of our customers to avoid costly repairs or even serious damage to their machines and long downtimes, thereby reducing operating costs and significantly improving machine utilization.
What entrepreneurial or social impact do you see for your service?
Our services and products have an economic and social impact. Economically, this is due to the fact that data streams generated at the field and process control level can be used for machine control, so that no additional sensor system is required a priori. IM&P offers an individual service, ranging from the analysis of the respective machine data to the development of suitable software and the installation of a customer-specific complete solution on the customer's servers or the remote monitoring of the machines by IM&P.
The social impact is that machines can be used better and more intensively. This conserves valuable resources and reduces environmental pollution. The IM&P wind turbine software can be used to significantly improve the capacity utilization. Damage is recognized as early as the development phase and reliably predicted over a longer period of time, so that unnecessary downtimes are avoided. Malfunctions can be remedied in the summer and winter when there is little wind. And our modern control software has the potential to keep the plants "close to the wind". In sum, IM&P software can increase the yield of green energy by up to 10 percent.
What do you like about the Weinberg Campus?
What are the advantages of the Weinberg Campus? Of course, the proximity to the university and the research institutes located here. But also the infrastructure, the possible contacts with other young companies and the attractive buildings are important factors that have led us to the choice of location. The environment is inspiring and at the same time representative - not least an advantage that is noticeable during customer visits.
What is your vision for the Weinberg Campus?
I'd like to describe this metaphorically. The Weinberg Campus resembles a tree nursery. The young companies are the seedlings. One part is transferred to another location and cultivated after a certain period of time. Perhaps a part will also perish, but some of the seedlings will also become stately, deeply rooted trees that bear many fruits and may also provide the seeds for the next generation of new seedlings. And that's exactly what I see as a possible vision for the campus.
Can you think of a story that connects you to the Weinberg Campus?
It's not exactly a story or event; it's more of a stimulus. A colleague was visiting a few months ago and spent the night in the boarding house. The decaying garrison church caught his eye. Wouldn't it be interesting to preserve the historic building and use it as a café or cafeteria for the surrounding businesses? You never know ...

Indalyz Monitoring & Prognostics GmbH
Weinbergweg 23
06120 Halle (Saale)
Telefon: +49 (345) 2795 5610