Dr. Jana Heise
Founder of "Weinberg Laboratories"

My company "Weinberg Laboratories" is still in the start-up phase. We start where NH DyeAGNOSTICS ends: This is the detection of biomarkers in daily routine. Weinberg Laboratories has developed "High Precision Proteingel Diagnostics" (Hi-PROD), a new procedure for the objective and early diagnosis of leukemia, multiple sclerosis and kidney disease. A combination of highly sensitive fluorescent dyes and specially developed chemical control agents is used. The fluorescent dyes "dock" on the surface of the proteins they are looking for and emit light, which is made visible by means of a special camera. The use of the control substances enables a complete monitoring of the entire analysis. The innovation offers patients safe and reliable diagnostics and medical diagnostic laboratories high cost and time savings. In doing so, we try to improve existing detection methods, e. g. with regard to their sensitivity.
Why did you establish your company at the Weinberg Campus Technology Park?
The exchange with other young entrepreneurs, scientifically, organizationally and entrepreneurially - all right in front of your very own doorstep - has been and is very helpful. For example, we organize barbecues at regular intervals, which helps promote networking.
What entrepreneurial or social impact do you see for your services?
First of all, our goal is to provide patients with a safer diagnosis with the help of our services. From a different perspective, I think it is important to further strengthen the corporate landscape in Central Germany.
What do you want from an entrepreneurial perspective for the Weinberg Campus?
As founders and entrepreneurs, we are first and foremost concerned with the further expansion of the infrastructure as a prerequisite for our work. On the other hand, we are committed to the development of an interdisciplinary and networked campus in which socio-political issues can also be discussed.
What do you associate with the Weinberg Campus?
I have witnessed the development of the campus over the last 15 years, and I am always thrilled to see what has been achieved at this location.

Weinberg Laboratories (i. G.)
Weinbergweg 23
06120 Halle (Saale)
Telefon: +49 (0) 345 27 99 64 13
Telefax: +49 (0) 345 27 99 64 12
E-Mail: jana.heise@dyeagnostics.com